A Mandelbaum Family in New York City
pdf file

Immigration and Early U.S. records of the "Warner Brothers" Family
pdf file

A New Look at the Mellens of Early New England
pdf file

A New Look at Great Migration Immigrant Simon Hoyt

A New Look at Walter Hoyt of Windsor and Norwalk, Connecticut Colony

A New Look at the Family of John King of Weymouth, MA Bay Colony
pdf file

The English Origins of Thomas, Dina, Peter and Enoch Place of Dorchester and Boston, Massachusetts

pdf file

The Burges Family of Sandwich, MA: English Origins and a Critical Biographical Review
pdf file

Expanding the Family of Joshua Beal Sr. of Abington and Cummington, Massachusetts
pdf file, published in MASSOG, vol. 48, no. 1

The Lives and Origins of the Immigrant Thistles of Beverly, Massachusetts
pdf file

The Maxfields of Dorchester, Massachusetts: English Origins and Descent from a Marian Martyr
pdf file

Edith (Brayne) Dodge and her Family in Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset, England, and Beverly, Massachusetts
pdf file

all text & images © Doug Sinclair unless otherwise noted

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